Arexpo news


Arexpo leads international relations with Eastern partners

As a public partner of MIND, Arexpo develops the international relations of the Milano Innovation District, which now has several partners in three continents. In September, Arexpo organized the meeting days provided for by the Memorandum of Understanding, aimed at identifying investment and collaboration opportunities and at encouraging the flow of talents and start-ups. Between 7 and 8 September, a two-day online event dedicated to the Chinese partner TusHoldings, holding company of TusParks - the largest science park network in China - was held. Guests of the event, Herbert Chen, Senior Executive Vice President of Tus-Holdings Co. and President of the IASP (International Association of Science Parks); Wang Yuanhua, Deputy Director of the Nanjing Science and Technology Bureau; Tang Hao, General Manager of the Jiangsu Tuspark Research Institute; Chenyun Qian, Project Manager of the Medicine Valley Development Office. The agreement with China was born and was carried out by Arexpo during and despite the pandemic: the institutions that took part in the event (the Lombardy Region and the Municipality of Milan) enhanced the work done by Arexpo and MIND in representing Italy in the international innovation landscape.   On 23 September, a delegation from Kyoto Research Park, the Japanese partner of the district, was welcomed to MIND, represented by Shojiro Oka, Managing Director, and Shigekata Mizuno, Adviser for public and international cooperation. The KRP will also host an Arexpo delegation in October. This first meeting in presence with the Kyoto Research Park is part of an articulated work with Japan: after the meeting last summer between the CEO of Arexpo, Igor De Biasio, and the Minister for Expo 2025, Kenji Wakamiya, a delegation from the city of Osaka will visit the Milano Innovation District on 5 October.

Arexpo: Kyoto Research Park top management visit MIND

Milan, 23 September 2022. Kyoto Research Park (KRP) representatives came to visit MIND today to meet Arexpo top management and partners of the Milanese innovation district within the scope of the cooperation agreement the two innovation districts signed on 8 September 2021. This Japanese technology park is one of the most important technology parks in Asia with nearly 500 member companies and institutions. The aim of the meeting is to develop a common talent and start-up exchange strategy that will encourage mutually beneficial investments, thus creating an international network that will fuel the growth of both technology parks. “Arexpo and MIND,” states Arexpo Managing Director Igor De Biasio, “consider the development of an international network of relations with cutting-edge innovation companies to be a priority. That is why receiving a visit from top management of the highly eminent Kyoto Research Park proves that we’re on the right path – a path that has already earned us numerous international cooperation agreements with countries such as China, the U.S., Canada, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, and others. This will certainly lead to more international partnerships in the future. These global relations once again confirm that Arexpo and MIND are bridges to the world, and a gateway to Europe and Italy”. "Sono onorato di avere visitato MIND per la prima volta dopo la firma del protocollo di intesa, di aver conosciuto l'ecosistema dell'innovazione di Milano, e di avere avuto un incontro così stimolante. Sono certo -spiega Shojiro Oka, managing director del Kyoto Research Park- che MIND e KRP, entrambi situati in città di importanza storica, potranno collaborare per generare e implementare iniziative di innovazione importanti per il futuro e di portata globale". ”I am honored to have visited MIND for the first time after concluding the partnership agreement, and to have been able to learn about Milan's innovation ecosystem and have a fruitful discussion with you. I believe that we, MIND and KRP, which are both  located in historic cities, are able to work together to generate and pursue global innovations for future” - stated Shojiro Oka, Managing Director of Kyoto Research Park.    

Major collaboration between the University of Pavia and Arexpo for the Parco Gerolamo Cardano for Sustainable Innovation

University of Pavia Rector Francesco Svelto and Arexpo Managing Director Igor De Biasio signed a collaboration agreement today to initiate the creation of an innovation ecosystem in Pavia comprising a network of public institutions and businesses, with the pivotal support of Regione Lombardia.   A major agreement between the University of Pavia and Arexpo has been presented today to initiate work on the Parco Gerolamo Cardano for Sustainable Innovation, an initiative promoted by the University of Pavia in concert with other local institutions to support applied research and development united with entrepreneurial planning. Speaking at the presentation were the Rector of the University of Pavia (UNIPV) Francesco Svelto, the Managing Director of Arexpo Igor De Biasio, the mayor of Pavia Fabrizio Fracassi, and the Vice Rector of the Third Mission of the University of Pavia Hellas Cena. PARCO CARDANO – The “Parco Gerolamo Cardano for Sustainable Innovation” will include the University of Pavia’s “Centre for Research and Training” and infrastructure for technological innovation for use by private enterprises that are interested in developing applied research projects. The Park will be located in the Cravino area on land belonging to UNIPV. PARK THEMES – Parco Gerolamo Cardano will focus on sustainable innovation in environment and health in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and the thematic objectives of the European Green Deal. Enterprises in four industries have already expressed interest in the Park: Health, Agrifoods, Information Technology, and New Materials. THE CONTRIBUTION OF REGIONE LOMBARDIA – The project aligns with Regione Lombardia objectives for economic recovery and stimulus. With its Deliberation no. XI/4381 of 3 March 2021, the Regional Council earmarked 12 million euros for the creation of the Centre for Research and Training in the Park. The agreement with Regione Lombardia stipulates completion of the Centre for Research and Training by the end of 2023. The Centre will bring enterprises in contact with the eighteen departments of the University of Pavia and other research centres in the city (three Clinical Research and Health Facilities [Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico – IRCCS], the National Research Council [CNR], IUSS School for Advanced Studies of Pavia, the National Oncological Particle Therapy Centre [Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica – CNAO], and the Fondazione Eucentre), as well as providing them with opportunities for training and targeted learning. AREXPO and UNIPV – The collaboration with the University of Pavia marks a new phase in the Arexpo strategy. This is one of Arexpo’s first initiatives outside of the MIND project, and the goal is to disseminate throughout Lombardy the logic and practices of innovation based on the cooperative involvement of public institutions and private enterprises. Arexpo is a corporation owned by the Ministry of Economics and Finance (MEF), Regione Lombardia, the Municipality of Milan, and Fondazione Fiera Milano. It has specific experience and expertise in urban regeneration projects and is currently engaged in the development of the Milano INnovation District (MIND) on the former Expo Milano 2015 site. THE AGREEMENT – Thanks to the agreement with the University of Pavia, Arexpo can make a significant contribution to the planning, design, construction, and management of high-tech infrastructure in the Park. In particular, Arexpo will provide procurement services for the competitive tender procedures, design, and the construction of the Centre for Research and Training. It will also generate assessments and proposals to establish collaborations between public institutions and private enterprises dedicated to scientific/technological research and innovation, work to select an institutional real estate management fund, and make its network of international relations available to the project. THE COORDINATION COMMITTEE – A Coordination Committee will be established to coordinate and monitor the activities provided in the agreement. It will be composed of six members: three from the University of Pavia and three from Arexpo. Statement by the Regione Lombardia Commissioner for Education, Universities, Research, Innovation, and Simplification Fabrizio Sala: “One of Regione Lombardia’s objectives is to ensure continuing collaboration among institutions, universities, and businesses to support applied research and planning by Lombard companies. Research centres are fundamental for facilitating and stimulating innovation in scientific research in order to create fertile ground for the creation and development of innovative projects that can be marketed with immediate effects on employment and professions. Parco Gerolamo Cardano is the perfect embodiment of our vision of future research: a network of enterprises connected to the university, working in close contact with all the regional players. It is a new phase in our strategy of innovation that fosters public-private synergies. These synergies already work well in Lombardy and we want to export them to the rest of the country.” Statement by Arexpo Managing Director Igor De Biasio: “The agreement with the University of Pavia for initiating work on Parco Gerolamo Cardano for Sustainable Innovation represents a very important step forward for Arexpo, as our first project outside of the MIND initiative. However, there are many points of contact between the Pavia project and the Milano Innovation District, starting with the decision to focus on innovation. Arexpo will be a leader in this project, which unites a major university, the regional institutions, and the excellences in the private sector into a new public-private ecosystem for innovation, which is needed so that our region and the entire country will be able to undertake the great challenges awaiting us in the near future.” Statement by University of Pavia Rector Francesco Svelto: “The partnership that is taking wing today fully reflects the strategy of the University of Pavia, which aims to increase the impact of its institutional missions on society. In particular, Parco Gerolamo Cardano establishes a bridge between the university and businesses under the banner of innovation. Arexpo, a well organized public corporation, will provide a key contribution to the development of the initiative from the international perspective. The effective support of Regione Lombardia for this project has been a determining factor, providing funding for the Centre for Research and Training.” Statement by the Mayor of Pavia Fabrizio Fracassi: “Last 15 April, during the presentation of the plan for Parco Gerolamo Cardano for Sustainable Innovation at the University of Pavia, I called this idea, one that embodies a great deal of mutual ambitions, a first step towards an Italian Silicon Valley—or perhaps better to call it a Ticinum Valley—symbol of an alliance among research, the public and private spheres, and entrepreneurship in the service of people. Today we are taking another step in this direction: a step towards a Renaissance in our city that projects Pavia into a national and even European leadership position in the fields of innovation, eco-sustainability, and the green and circular economy. With this project, which is also an alliance among public agencies, we have chosen not to place limits on the future of our city and I would like to personally thank all the people and organizations that are making this dream possible, starting with the University of Pavia, Regione Lombardia, and Arexpo S.p.A., which is joining us today in this grand plan.”


  Milan, 3 April 2020 – Ten floors high, over 16.500 square meters exclusively dedicated to research laboratories and 3.000 square meters of terraces and green areas: a snapshot of the project for the new Human Technopole building, Italy’s research institute for life sciences based at the heart of MIND Milano Innovation District. The building which aims to be modern as well as welcoming, will be the main headquarters of scientific laboratories and the centre of Human Technopole’s campus. The name of the designer who won the international competition for the design of the building and the campus was announced today by Human Technopole Foundation and Arexpo: the winner is Piuarch, a firm based in Milan which has contributed to many major redevelopment projects in the city, including the Mecenate District and the area of Porta Nuova. An investment of up to 94.5 million euros is planned for the construction of the new building. The Human Technopole Campus includes three existing buildings, Palazzo Italia the iconic Milan EXPO 2015 pavilion, a North Pavilion and a South Pavilion and will cover an overall area of over 11.000 square meters. The project describes how the different buildings will be interconnected as well as how connections with external areas will be developed. The new building will rise within the area of the campus and is expected to be built in 1.100 consecutive days, equivalent to about three years. It will have an overall surface of 35.000 square meters and at its highest point will be 61 meters high. It will host biochemistry and molecular biology laboratories, cutting edge scientific technology including light microscopy, space for an extension of HT’s Cryo-EM facility as well as 800 workstations for researchers. In addition, large common areas, meeting rooms and classrooms for events and trainings will be available. In the framework of the international design competition, Human Technopole commissioned the design services delegating Arexpo to act as contracting authority. President of the Human Technopole Foundation Marco Simoni underlined: “During these difficult weeks we are all called to do our duty. For some this means working at the frontline of the emergency, for others it means staying home. We have learned how important it is to provide scientists and researchers with the tools to carry out their work in the best possible way, including by working remotely. For this reason, today we try to look to the future. HT’s new building represents a fundamental investment for the health and well-being of citizens and a concrete way of strengthening the Italian scientific community and preparing it for future challenges”. The Director of Human Technopole Iain Mattaj added: “The spirit of HT is already visible in the approach we have currently adopted to tackle the global healthcare crisis: facilitate the sharing of data and collaboration among institutes. The new building will represent the heart of HT’s scientific activity. This is where the next generation of researchers will be trained. It will be the main headquarters of our laboratories where scientists with different expertise and skill sets will work together. It will host cutting-edge technologies and facilities which will be shared with the entire scientific community to promote joint research projects and collaborations with European and international institutions”. Arexpo President Giovanni Azzone stated: “Research and innovation are the basis of our future, today more than ever we are aware of this. Human Technopole’s new building for researchers will represent an excellence for research right at the heart of MIND, the new ecosystem for innovation which we are building in the Arexpo area. Cutting edge laboratories and technologies merge with beauty and functionality for a place which is due to become an example and a point of reference for the international community”. Piuarch, the winning firm for the competition, commented: “At a time like this, we are proud to contribute to the creation of a new building for scientific research and human well-being. Today these topics require our highest level of attention and commitment. People are at the heart of our project, recipients and protagonists of a place aimed at facilitating dialogue and the sharing of knowledge, a space which we consider fundamental for the rebirth of Milan. The new Human Technopole building was designed primarily as a meeting place, thanks to an architecture capable of interconnecting public and research functions. From this continuous spatial sequence, a fluid and highly iconic, functional and adaptable, sustainable and avant-garde landscape arises”. The Human Technopole Campus and the new building Design of the new building and the Human Technopole Campus The Campus area is designed to maintain continuity with the surrounding spaces, the Decumano and the Cardo, as well as preserving the visual relationship with Palazzo Italia, becoming an integral part of the public space. The new building will be made up of two functional and flexible volumes that will develop around the Common Ground, a focal point from which the entire building is generated, a central space that will be the heart of the building for its positioning and function. It will be the centre of activities, surrounded by laboratories and offices positioned across two different functional and flexible volumes, characterised by a ground floor partly open and partly glazed. Starting from the ground, the common space will wind its way between the ten floors, creating an interconnected unicum that reaches the roof, creating new spaces for gathering and relaxing. Floors one to nine will be dedicated to hosting laboratories and administrative offices, while the top floor will host dining areas, classrooms for training activities, boardrooms, executive offices and terraces with direct access to the green area. The latter represents the most iconic element of the new building, made up of asymmetric pitches and a sequence of green terraces facing south with a view towards the city of Milan. The roofing system also allows proper water control and contributes to the production of renewable energy in line with the green design approach pursued thanks to the photovoltaic system and the green roof itself. The architectural competition The call for the realisation of the project was an international competition published on the Arexpo website and on the online platform The tender foresaw two consecutive phases: during the first phase an anonymous procedure was carried out to identify the seven best proposals, which then entered the following phase. In the second part of the selection process, which was still carried out anonymously, the winner was identified.  
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